Blogging is a very important marketing tool for photographers. However, it can be quite a time-consuming task having to process the photos for each post in Photoshop or any other editing application. The BlogStomp software, in my opinion, has changed blogging for photographers.

A collage of images made with BlogStomp.
What is BlogStomp?
BlogStomp is a simple blogging software that allows you to drag and drop the files you wish to use to create photographs the exact size that you want. You can make collages, or batch process many photos for a gallery, social media, or other storage devices.
BlogStomp also lets you add your own logo to the final photos either on tabs or on the image itself.

BlogStomp interface.
There are many features for personalization so that your final photos are ready to post where you want. It cuts the blogging process by more than half the time, especially if you are creating a rather photo-heavy post or gallery. BlogStomp also creates a folder on your desktop of the photos that you have “stomped” which makes it easier to find and upload them to wherever you are posting images.
Key Features
Image Processing
The most useful feature of BlogStomp is in the “Freestyle” tab where you can choose one or more photos to create collages. Here you can preview, modify, crop, add text, and choose the best layout to suit your needs.

On the right, you can see the various layout options as well as make your own custom layout.
Settings Tab
In the “Settings” tab, you can choose the image width, how much of a border or margin between photos you’d like to have, as well as add a tab underneath the photo. In this same tab is where you would add your logo.
You can also choose the output settings where you can customize the file names, set where you want your Stomped folder to be located on your computer, and configure how much sharpening you want for the final images.

In the settings, you can change the layout size, border, margin, and select the template you want to use. In Output, you have the option of giving the files a specific name and choosing where you want the Stomped folder to be placed.
Freestyle Tab

Add a color block and place it below or next to your photo.

Double-click to switch out photos in the layout.
Hitting the “Mix it up” button will cycle through different layouts using the photos that you have chosen to give you options. You can also double-click and switch the photos.
Batch Tab
The “Batch” tab will process all of the photos that you have in the sidebar individually to the size and settings that you have previously set up. This can save you a lot of time if you are uploading a lot of photos into an online gallery for viewing.

Batch process all of your photos at once.
Media Tab
The “Media” tab allows you to “stomp” the photos onto a storage device, like a USB stick, so that they all fit. This is really helpful when dealing with huge files that you want to keep all on the same USB, or similar storage device.
You can drag and drop your photos or choose from the ones that you have already previously “stomped”.

Don’t worry about storage space, this option will fit your images onto your media device.
BlogStomp also creates a folder on your desktop of the photos that you have “stomped” which makes it easier to find and upload them to wherever you are posting.
The app will also let you know if your image is not the right size originally for the final output size. Which is helpful because this can mean the difference between publishing a pixelated image or a high-quality image.
Post Directly to a Blog or Social Media
You can stomp your photographs directly onto any of the following blog sites: WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, ExpressionEngine, and Live Journal. Simply set up your blog details and begin writing. Use the stomped photos that you have created, add categories, and publish all from the same app.

Choose from these blog sites. Stomp Software says they will be adding more sites to the list soon.
Use BlogStomp to also post directly to Facebook or Twitter. Insert your login details and use the photos that you’ve stomped previously.
In the Freestyle tab, you also have the option of sizing the photographs for Instagram or Facebook covers (above). This comes in handy when you’re publishing to social media often or using a social media app like HootSuite which requires the photos to be square in order to post to Instagram, for example.

Posting to Twitter with BlogStomp.
Upload to Gallery services
In the “Gallery” tab, you can set up any of the following gallery/proofing services: Shoot Proof, SmugMug, Zenfolio, and Photoshelter. It’s really easy to set up and get your galleries uploaded in half the time.
Why use BlogStomp?
I think it goes without saying that editing a wedding or image-heavy blog post in Photoshop or the like can take hours. Using BlogStomp as part of your workflow can help reduce the time that you are spending at the computer by processing your photos for your blog, galleries, storage devices, and social media in one fell swoop.
I have been using this app for more than five years and it has served me well in so many ways. All of the photos in my past articles have been processed using BlogStomp. The photos that I use for social media are processed in BlogStomp.
Create marketing material in minutes with the collage layouts for both print and online. I have also used it for creating inspiration boards for future sessions.

This is a final stomped photo with a white tab below the collage and my logo added.
In addition to saving you time, it is also really simple and easy to use. Each feature is easy to navigate without any extra hoops or steps. It’s a straightforward app that helps you blog faster and share your photos with the best quality.
How much does it cost?
Finally, it’s priced reasonably for the amount of use that it will get. There are two options: Individual and Studio Pack.
The individual option includes two installs on different computers and is priced at $49. The studio pack includes 5 installs on different computers and is priced at $89. It’s a one time fee and it really is the best value for an app like this.

You can create many different collages with the features inside BlogStomp. Change the background in settings, add a stroke to the images, choose the margin size between photos, and add rounded corners all in the same app.
Other Stomp Software
BlogStomp is just one of three Stomp Software apps offered by the company.
Album Stomp is a great software for designing albums and Album Prufr is proofing albums where your clients can preview and make changes. The company offers a bundle option for all three on their website.
Not convinced? The company offers you the opportunity to download a free trial before purchasing. You can use the full version with the app logo/watermark. This is great for learning to use the app and seeing first-hand whether this is an app that could work for your workflow.
In conclusion
Blogging can be a daunting task with hours of photo processing. But thanks to BlogStomp and the Stomp Software, blogging has never been easier and faster without compromising on image quality or style.
Use this app as a part of your regular workflow and cut the time that you spend at the computer. Overall, the app is worth its value in both time and quality. Test the app for yourself before you make the decision to buy. You won’t regret it.
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via Jackie Lamas
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